My Best Friend.

She is my favorite soul in this world! She completes me in a way I never though I needed! She Asked me this morning before school, ” Mom, Can we just have a mommy daughter date before I go to Kindergarten?” You at that face!! You know my answer wasn’t going to be a NO. I had to say yes. Girls time, WITH YOU! Yes baby girl, anything for you. We went a place of her choice, which was I Hop. We share a Dr. Pepper because that is what mom likes, So she thinks she loves it too 😉 well I mean who doesnt? 😉 We got pancakes, and ate like little fat kids!

Soon she will be a teenager and she will want nothing to do with me. She will want my money to go shopping, but for me to not go with her. she will want to go to lunch with friends, but not me. She will be out all night with her girlfriends having this “girl time” I’m having with her now. Call me selfish but I’m Ill take all the time I can get!